Series: Relationships with Chaya Rivka Zwolinski
For women only
Like Azamra!, Ayeh (Likutey Moharan II, 12), one of the essential teachings of Breslov Chassidut, inspired abundant commentary by Reb Noson and others. It deals with a universal problem: No matter one’s spiritual level, falls occur. In this essential lesson, Rebbe Nachman shows us how to seek God from the darkest depths and Reb Noson illustrates the many forms the search may take.
Using the text as a guide, you will take a journey along Rebbe Nachman’s path of spiritual recovery and discovery. No matter where you are holding, recognizing the psychospiritual opportunities in life’s ups and downs, and following the advice in Ayeh, will bring you to a place of healing. You are stronger than you think! Never give up!