How much do we have to suffer because Esav honored his father? Is there…
Torah Portion
Meir Elkabas discusses this week’s double Torah portion, Parshat Matot-Masei with insights from Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. He speaks about the deeper significance of kashering (making kosher) various vessels and how this applies to a person. What is the key to making ourselves kosher? Genuine, passionate, hitbodedut!
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Meir Elkabas discusses this week’s double Torah portion, Parshat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim. In this video, we learn about the goral, the lottery on Yom Kippur, and how this relates to making decisions in life. Reb Noson explains that this shows us that sometimes, no matter how much advice we get, we have to turn to Hashem alone, with emunah. Reb Meir also talks about the the daily sacrifices and the service of the Kohen Gadol.
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Meir Elkabas discusses this week’s Torah parsha, Parshat Tetzaveh. In this Torah portion, we learn that the bigdei kehuna (the priestly garments of the Kohen Gadol) number eight. Achashverosh donned the eight garments of the Kohen Gadol in order to further break the spirits of the Jewish people who attended his drinking banquet. What is the significance of these eight garments? Meir Elkabas explains.
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Chaim Kramer discusses this week’s Torah portion Toldot, which focuses on the spiritual and material conflict between Jacob and Esau, beginning before they were even born, through the selling of the birthright for a bowl of lentil soup, and continuing today. Reb Chaim shows the connection between Rebbe Nachman’s story, The Exchanged Children, and the ongoing battle between Yakov and Esav, both the external battle and the internal battle, that of body and soul.
Please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE!This week Chaim Kramer discusses the Torah portion Eikev through the light of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings. Reb Chaim explains the importance of developing a joyful and grateful attitude. He also explains past, current and more important, future events in the Holy Land of Israel as we yearn for Moshiach.
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Is there a connection between one’s desire and food? And also, is there a…
Chaim Kramer discusses the weekly Torah portion, Parshat Korach. Although Korach was very wealthy, he was jealous of Moshe’s status as the leader of the Jewish nation, and this jealousy led to rebellion. Korach’s desire for honor led to destruction. This arrogant lust for honor and power still burns in the hearts of many people today. But honor and power if used incorrectly not only destroy others, but also one’s self. Rebbe Nachman teaches us not to give in to the desire for honor and be swallowed up by our own materialism.
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Chaim Kramer discusses the weekly Torah portion, Parshat Shelach, and explains how lashon hara, negative talk, slander against other people and the spies complaints and bad reports against the Land of Israel, sowed destruction, and gives examples relevant today, especially the news media.
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- FaithShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Chaim Kramer – Parshat Bamidbar
by Chaim Kramerby Chaim KramerChaim Kramer discusses the weekly Torah portion, Bamidbar, including the way the Jewish nation was structured, what position the tribes were assigned, and the value of each person’s contribution, using Rebbe Nachman’s story, The Exchanged Children, to explain.
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