The Rebbe teaches us in Likutey Moharan I: 211: The reason behind traveling to…
uman rosh hashanah
- Jewish HolidaysUmanWatch
Rebbe Nachman’s Rosh Hashanah – The Wondrous Uman
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasClick here to read this video as an article
- Jewish HolidaysReadUman
The Wondrous Craftsman – Amon Mufla (אמון מופלא)
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasThe Wondrous Craftsman – Amon Mufla (אמון מופלא) In the book of Proverbs, King…
- Jewish HolidaysNews and EventsReadTzaddikUman
Exploring the Spiritual Benefits of Uman Rosh Hashanah with Rabbi Chaim Kramer
by breslov.orgby breslov.orgAs the Jewish calendar approaches Rosh Hashanah, the atmosphere becomes charged with anticipation and…
Chaim Kramer discusses the weekly Torah portion, Parshat Chukat. We learn that the ashes of the parah adama (the red heifer) make the pure impure and the impure pure, a concept that Rebbe Nachman explains in Likutey Moharan 55. The discussion continues with the story of Moshe Rabbeinu striking the rock; Moshe coming to the area controlled by the Edomites; the Jews getting tired of the manna, the attack of the snakes, and the brass serpent; Sichon and Og; and the lessons we can learn from these and other Torah events.
Like this video? Then please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE!That’s always the question I get when I come back. This year especially, since…
Baruch Hashem I am zocheh to be in Uman for Rosh Hashanah this year.…
We often ask people, “where do you daven yomim noraim” (where do you pray…
Here’s a pic of my cancelled flight to Kiev for Rosh Hashana. Thank God,…
- Jewish HolidaysTzaddikUmanWatch
Rebbe Nachman’s Uman Rosh Hashana Part 2
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasWhat is the meaning behind participating in Uman Rosh Hashana?
Why is hitbodedut, personal prayer, essential, according to Rebbe Nachman?
How can we bring out the potential to actual?
Meir Elkabas explains.
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