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In Parshat Vayishlach, we encounter the dramatic episode of Yaakov Avinu wrestling with the…
This week’s Parshah has several messages that spill over into our day and age.…
When it rains, it pours. It often happens this way: first you have one…
- ShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
VaYishlach – Binyamin was Born after Yaakov Fulfilled his Vow
by Nasan Maimonby Nasan MaimonVaYishlach – Binyamin was Born after Yaakov Fulfilled his Vow Learn more at BreslovTorah
The drama has been simmering for a lifetime. Twin brothers who grew up in…
There is never a situation of a battle being completely lost; there is always…
King Solomon said, “No man dies with even half his desires fulfilled” (Midrash on Kohelet 1:13) In…
Dvar Torah for Parshat VaYishlach “[Yaakov] got up that night … and crossed Maavor…
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