There is an amazing concept in Judaism, one which radically contradicts the beliefs of…
Happiness gives us the strength and vitality to grow spiritually. Rebbe Nachman is well-known…
“Remember, it’s a mother with a pencil and journal who crafts her days, that…
Treat Her Right Abram said to Sarai, “Please say that you are my achot…
Series: Relationships with Chaya Rivka Zwolinski
For women only.
Rebbe Nachman famously said: My very essence is Rosh Hashana. It’s therefore no surprise that Breslov Chassidut is packed with teachings on the head of the Jewish year. In this class with Chaya Rivka Zwolinski, we focus on the motif of the head, especially as it pertains to making a fresh start to your year—and your life.
What is holding you back from experiencing joy? Are you just not as happy as you’d like to be? One block to feeling good about your life and good about yourself is anger. Anger triggers the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response, too and floods the body with stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. We know that this causes many health problems like digestive problems and worse. Not only is anger toxic to your body, but it also is debilitating to the soul. If anger isn’t managed and worked through, it can lead to anxiety and depression.
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov teaches how anger is at the root of the spiritual maladies which can wreak havoc in our lives. He teaches that anger can even cause you to lose money! Whatever the problem is, there is hope. In Angry? Rebbe Nachman’s Path to Tranquility Chaya Rivka Zwolinski will share insights from Rebbe Nachman’s lessons and stories which will help you understand yourself better as you work through anger towards a calmer you. There will be plenty of time for questions, answers and discussion.
Topics include:
What? Me Angry?
Sweetening Anger
Is Anger an Insult To Your Intelligence?
Peace, Love & Understanding
Protecting Your Money
The Sophisticate’s Arrogance and Anger
Tranquility and Eretz YisraelIn this special course for women, Breslov Every Day, Rebbetzin Yehudis Golshevsky will discuss Rabbi Yitzchok Breiter’s (1876-1943) short book, Seder Yom (A Day In The Life Of A Breslover Chassid, BRI English Translation.) Rabbi Breiter was a respected Hasidic leader in the Warsaw Ghetto, and a Breslover who made Rebbe Nachman’s teachings a practical reality. You’ll learn this classic work with particular attention to the aspects of Divine service that speak to our lives as women.
Topics include:
Binding yourself to the Tzaddik
Make a reckoning (taking stock at the end of the day)
Getting up in the morning
Morning prayers
Learning Rebbe Nachman’s books
Tehillim (Psalms)
Likutey Tefillot
Love of friends
And much more…In Cheshvan, when “our lips are still merachshevan (fluttering) from the tefillos of the yomim noraim” it’s good to renew our connection to prayer. Last semester’s course on the prayers for the Yomim Tovim are now followed by this special course on our daily prayers, just for women, with Yehudis Golshevsky.
How can we bring more to our tefillot of Shacharit, Minchah, and Maariv? Using Likutey Moharan as our guide, this course will help you uncover the deeper meanings of prayer and encourage you to invest more energy into davening from your siddur.
Topics include:
The order of the prayers and encountering Hashem.
Preparation for prayer: finding focus and expressing the truth, and simplicity.
The Four Worlds of Shacharit: Asiyah–Korbanot and Berachot
Yetzirah: Pesukei d’Zimra
Beriyah: Shma and its blessings
Atzilus: Shemona Esrei
Tefillah b’tzibbur
Mincha and MaarivWe all want it—but do we really have it? Emunah (faith) is a word we hear a lot but are we really sure know what true emunah looks like? And how can we get more of it for ourselves?
Throughout his teachings Rebbe Nachman gives us various insights into what living with genuine emunah looks like and how we can develop our emunah throughout our lives. Using various Breslov texts and stories, Chaya Rivka Zwolinski will discuss many aspects of this essential concept, central to living a life of spiritual connection.
What does emunah look like?
The 4 Aspects of emunah (don’t miss any of these!)
Truth and faith
Applied emunah
See what you believe (chicken and egg)
The emunah-prayer connection
Faith and the end of days
And moreThe How to Learn Breslov with BRI Book series of workshops is dedicated L’iluy Nishmat Tzivia bat Chaim v’Esther Gavriel and Chana Sneider.
Are you interested in Rebbe Nachman’s teachings? Would you like to start the new year with a brand-new way of learning that’s designed for you personally? Are you curious about Breslov books, but not sure where to begin? Do you find the ideas within the texts inspiring, but aren’t sure how to apply them to your life?
Then this course is for you.
BRI has published 100 Breslov books—and counting. There are so many great translations and original titles. But it can be daunting to figure out how to approach the books so you get the most out of them. In the two classes in part one of this course, Chaya Rivka Zwolinski will show you a variety of ways in which you can benefit from Breslov texts—and use them as vehicles for personal change. Whether you are a beginner or someone who studies Torah regularly, you’ll benefit from this course which will show you how to apply what you learn from Breslov books, and how to make the teachings a part of you—for life.
Topics include:
An Overview of the Depth and Breadth of Breslov Texts
Rebbe Nachman’s Learning
Day by Day—the Old/New Way to Learn Breslov
More Advice
Rabbi Nachman’s Wisdom
And more