How was your Yom Tov? Mine was wonderful. First I experienced the awesome spiritual…
Yom Kippur
Learning about Yom Kippur with the Breslov Research Institute. Featuring important dates, fascinating history, stories, customs, and more.
“Visamachta b’chagecha v’hayitah ach sameach”—“And you shall rejoice during your festivals and you shall…
In Likutey Moharan lesson 24 Rebbe Nachman emphasizes the transformative power of simcha (joy).…
Click here to read this video as an article
As the sun begins to set, the Torah scrolls are removed from the Holy…
Once a week I teach a class on Shir HaShirim to a very…
Rosh Hashana and the Ten Days: This is THE TIME to slow down and…
What makes a person cry on Yom Kippur? And what does one gain by…
Got Life? When you’re a child, the minutes seem like hours and the hours…
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