Home Faith The Great Love Between Us

The Great Love Between Us

by Yehudis Golshevsky
The Great Love Between Us

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov taught…

There are two kinds of love: one is “love within days,” meaning that is within measures. This is G-d’s love for us in action. But there is also love that is in potential, the love that existed between the Jewish people and their Father in heaven even before creation, when the Jewish people existed only within the mind of G-d. This is “love within mind,” and we cannot apprehend it truly now, for it transcends all time and measure, and is not garbed by any garment. But this is the love that will be revealed in the ultimate future.
(Likutey Moharan I:23)

What does this mean to me?

I always like to think of “love within days” as what we would conventionally call conditional love; when I apply to my relationship with G-d, it helps me to better understand the nature of the covenant. The Torah makes clear to us that we have a conditional relationship with G-d: He has certain expectations of us, and He commits to have us for His own and care for us. Motherhood has taught me a lot about the conditional parts of my relationship with my children, and also that there is a hidden, other aspect to my love for them that is not limit by the “measures” of conditional love. As a mother, the revealed relationship often follows the pattern of, “I do this for you; you do that for me.” And there is truth to that. But there is a deeper, hidden truth to my love for my children, and that is that I love them fully and forever because they are a part of me, we are bound up together, and nothing that they do or fail to do can make me love them any less or any more. For me, that is “love within mind.”

A prayer:

May I always feel part of You, dearest G-d,
And cherish the great love
You have for us, Your holy people.
You chose us and raised us.
Your love for us clothes itself in Your mitzvot,
Which attach us to Your holiness.

Yours is a true love, without limit,
Instilled in the Torah and mitzvoth
That You gave us through Moses, our teacher.

Please help me carry out Your will
With loving desire,
So that I can recognize the true love
You have hidden in Your Torah.

G-d, I appreciate
That the great love between us
Is beyond all time and space.

(Between me and You, p. 140)

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This prayer asking G-d to help see the Jewellnes of every one and help to not judge them harshly is a totally beautiful reminder of acceptance of the other. .If it added specifically oneself -I would’ve liked it even better . Though it is implied.
Thank you,

I would like to say thank you. I have been receiving your emails for sometime now and get great inspiration for much of its writings.


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