Expanding knowledge of the importance of joy and dancing especially these days:
“I have stated,” said Rebbe Nachman to Reb Noson: “When there are decrees against Israel, if we dance and clap hands we can sweeten and mitigate the decrees. Soon it will be Purim, the Jews will dance and clap hands and the decrees will be mitigated!”
The Rebbe then repeated his words and to emphasize them he said that his intention is very direct and simple. This is what happened and is happening now (think: corona!) when we see how the world [is suffering] decrees and nothing else helps, it means that we should extend ourselves and force ourselves to dance at least a few minutes each day! This will mitigate the decrees.
Try it!!! Buy it!!!
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A joyous message to all who have asked: It is now possible to print all the classes and seminars from our website in a very friendly manner. Additionally it is possible now to share with your friends on all kinds of media (i.e., Facebook, twitter, etc.)
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The set of “Amazing Stories of Ancient Times” – Rebbe Nachman’s Stories edited for young adults with illustrations – is now being reprinted with a “new look.” It should be ready in a short time.
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Prepare for a Purim surprise! Short video lessons from some Breslover teachers who will share with you the uniqueness of Purim!
Chaim Kramer