Home Faith The Level Beyond All Levels

The Level Beyond All Levels

by Yehudis Golshevsky

BRI’s NarrowBridge.Org sends out twice weekly inspiration providing a regular dose of hope, meaning and courage. These emails include small doses of Rebbe Nachman’s wisdom, enabling us to get through the week in a more spiritual way. 

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Rebbe Nachman of Breslov taught…


Hisbodedus is on a very high level, indeed, a level above all levels.
(Likutey Moharan II:25)


What does this mean to me?


One of Rebbe Nachman’s major teachings, perhaps his most important and best known, focuses on private, secluded prayer. This practice, known simply as hisbodedus, is the ultimate level in our relationship to G-d. Likewise, hisbodedus is the tool with which to seek out and find our place: in the world at large, in our family, among friends and within the community, and most importantly, within ourselves. In hisbodedus, the full range of our feelings find expression; we examine and re-examine ourselves, correcting the flaws and errors of the past, while seeking the proper path for the future.

A prayer:


Please, G-d, may I learn to consider
what I am doing
and where I am going
in this fleeting world.
Let me ask myself each day
whether I am behaving properly
in the way that You want.
Help me assess calmly
and judge myself in these matters,
until I learn to focus
and direct my thoughts
towards repentance and good.

(Between Me and You, p. 120)

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