When you have a mindset of faithfulness, the first thing that happens is that you are no longer emotionally attached to outcome.
A few years back I made a HUGE purchase which I pretty much instantly regretted (details are for another article…). I couldn’t return it, only re-sell it at a loss so it wasn’t an option. I had such a meltdown over this, it’s not even funny! No matter how many people told me to have emuna, let it go, it will all work out for the best, I was really, really upset.
Then came Corona and this item actually came in handy. I still wanted to re-sell it, but I had to admit that at the moment it was serving me pretty darn well. Also, The Corona virus situation made me realize that Hashem is pushing humanity to another level of awakening and no one really knows right now where life is going to take us. Perhaps this item will continue to be of use to me – who knows? So, I let the whole obsession with reselling it go and even thanked Hashem for having this item at this point in time.
Guess what happened next?
Not one but two people called me pretty much out of nowhere asking about possibly buying this item from me – at a MUCH higher cost than I had brought it for. At the very beginning of this situation, one of my friends called it – she said, “The minute you let this go, someone will want to buy it off you.” Boy, was she spot on!
The way I see it, this whole letting go thing is indirectly related to having emuna – a mindset of faithfulness. And it seems that Hashem, in His infinite compassion, will at times reward us even if our emuna is kind of indirect, like we let go not necessarily because we have emuna, and Hashem still rewards us just for letting go.
The synchronicity of the above was amazing to me! I let go and boom – Hashem worked it out. Having a mindset of faithfulness, even if indirectly, is so powerful!
At the very beginning of this situation, one of my friends called it – she said, “The minute you let this go, someone will want to buy it off you.” Boy, was she spot on!
So, what exactly does having this type of mindset look like?
When you have a mindset of faithfulness, the first thing that happens is that while you set your goal and pray for the outcome of your choice, you are no longer emotionally attached to that outcome. You REALLY want it but if it doesn’t happen – onward you will move because ultimately you know that you don’t actually know what the best outcome for you is. Only Hashem knows.
The second thing that happens is that you stop obsessing over the final outcome and instead – you start preparing for it. Hashem can give it to you and even wants to give it to you at any moment, however it would be a waste to give someone something that they will not be able to be responsible for, to nurture and protect and to enjoy.
Would you give your eight year old a hundred dollars allowance? Would you really want to meet your future spouse before having worked on your anger and passive aggressive issues? Do you really want that very large home with a pool and garden – are you prepared to maintain such a large property as well as a garden and pool? Are you truly up for that high paying position – will you allot the necessary funds for household help as well as the time needed to create a system for everything to still run smoothly in your home while you’re away from it for the majority of the day?
Would you really want to meet your future spouse without preparing yourself?
Preparedness is so important to your ultimate success! Whatever area you need to grow yourself in – that’s what you need to focus on now. Get fit and healthy, learn how to communicate better, learn how to manage your finances, learn how to get along with people, hone your business skills, etc. When Hashem finally bestows the blessings that you have been hoping and praying for – you want to be able to contain them. Otherwise, a blessing, an opportunity, a windfall, a lucky break… can all be wasted away.
Your faithfulness is one of your greatest assets. It is the key to a healthy, happy, balanced life and is indispensable for your spiritual evolution and higher consciousness. Without it, you will probably be spinning your wheels from now until God -knows-when. With it, you will attain a lot more of your goals with a lot less effort and heartache.
It also comes in handy when you do dumb thinks like make a HUGE purchase that you instantly regret 😊
Work on your faithfulness every day:
“It is very good to rely on God completely. As each day begins, entrust your every movement and those of all who depend on you into God’s hands, asking that everything should go according to His will. You will then not need to worry about whether or not things are going as they should, because you are relying on God. If He wants things to go differently from the way you may wish, you will be willing to accept everything the way He wants it.” (Sichot Haran #2).