This week’s parshah is Re’eh (See!).
Fine. But what are we to see? The verse continues: HaShem is setting before us the blessing and the curse. What is the blessing? That you should listen to – and obey – the commands of HaShem. What is the curse? If you stray from the commandments that HaShem gives us and then serve idolatry…
What is the blessing? To listen to HaShem. Otherwise, as a curse, it transforms into idolatry. A strange kind of blessing, a strange type of curse. But this is what life is.
A few hundred years ago, we would never have been able to understand this blessing or curse. Life has always been wonderful, beautiful and amazing. But life has also always been tough. Nobody escapes difficulties or suffering. Nobody. For some, it’s health issues; for others, financial struggles; and for still others, emotional problems, trouble with the authorities, etc.
The parshah teaches us that these blessings or curses are found daily in our lives. Where is the blessing? When I accept to serve HaShem – when I do the right thing – I am listening to THE TEACHER (HaShem) and traveling on the best path I can be on. After all, isn’t it a blessing to know that I am doing the right thing, no matter what is taking place around me? At least I tried to live right and do good! What greater blessing is there than to always be right?!
But what happens if I don’t follow a proper path? Then my life is filled with a curse. What type of curse? I am burdened with idolatry. Why is that? Because my life’s desires are my wrong choices, and they become the path I feel I must seek! I must follow this path or that path and pursue what I think will bring me the best and most productive life. “I must pursue a career, a politician, a livelihood, a star, or sports…” There’s no end to what I get seriously involved in, which in turn takes over my life. Just think about what governs our lives!
That becomes the curse. I am no longer in true control of myself. I must follow the dictates of society, despite its shortcomings and fallacies.
Therefore, the Torah teaches us: “See!” Look carefully. You can make your life a blessing by following the dictates of a right and proper path. Otherwise, you have the free choice to choose a different path. Examine your choices carefully, for the blessings are truly within reach.
Have a great Shabbos.