Series: Human Self-Creation with the Kabbalah of Rebbe Nachman
Time: 8 PM (EST); 5 PM Pacific Time
Date: Monday, Aug 17; Aug. 24; Aug. 31
Level: All. This course does not require knowledge of Breslov Chassidut but will appeal to those interested in a deeply thoughtful, intellectual exploration of the ideas of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, which are sourced in the Kabbalah of the Ari’zal, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria.
Text: Likutey Moharan, 206 (Ta’iti) plus other Torahs from LM; texts will be provided
Instructor: Mordechai Kaufman
In this thought-provoking mini-series we will explore the multi-faceted dimensions of teshuva (repentance) as expressed in a selection of Rebbe Nachman’s written lessons. Our first reading will be the beautiful Torah 206, in which man is portrayed as a lost sheep, and G-d is the shepherd. We will also be discussing selections from LM Torahs 4, 6, and 64, in which teshuva assumes the role of a creative capability within Man, who is charged with the dual tasks of “self-creation” as well as assisting the process of Cosmic repair.