Here is my “Things that I Love” list. I’m sharing it today in case it might be helpful to you! Enjoy!
Now that I have returned to the “land of the walking”, I am getting busy again and slightly overwhelmed with the obstacle course that life can sometimes be. I have been swamped with trying to get the house back in order after not being able to clean, organize or declutter it since September. I am in the middle of a few fascinating learning projects and behind on things like dentist appointments for the kids, plus catching up on natural deodorant orders which I create as part of my health biz. The other day I had a last minute cancellation of a very time-sensitive appointment… I hate to admit it but that really put the overwhelm into high gear.
Anyway, I’m sure you are familiar with the above. The question is, what do we do so that overwhelm does not lead to inaction or getting stuck in negativity? I have several techniques for combating overwhelm spiraling out of control and this time I chose to sit down and write my “Things that I Love” list. I’m sharing it today in case it might be helpful to you:
I love the rain.
I love going to the park and picking pinecones and edible weeds with my kids.
I love the warm sunshine on my face after several cold days of clouds and rain.
I love shopping at the organic farmer’s market.
I love the deep and loving wisdom contained in every single thing that happens in the world.
I love hugging trees.
The other day I had a last minute cancellation of a very time-sensitive appointment… I hate to admit it but that really put the overwhelm into high gear…
I love sitting on a bench and hearing the birds chirping.
I love going to sleep by 9pm.
I love morning coffee.
I love going out with a friend.
I love getting my nails done.
I love my exercise programs.
I love connecting to Hashem, our Divine Power Source, through journaling, yishuv hada’as and meditation.
I love hugging trees…
I love the following teaching from Rebbe Nachman, Sichot Haran 46: Guard your thoughts very carefully, because thought can literally create a living thing… The higher the faculty, the further it can reach. Highest of all is the mind, which can ascend to the loftiest heights. You must therefore guard your mind and thoughts to the utmost.
The supportive feeling that I get from creating such a list and expressing gratitude to Hashem for it, opens me up to new perspectives and emotions unavailable when in overwhelm. Love and gratitude are indispensable to our spiritual growth and higher consciousness – have you noticed?
Wishing you a wonderful and blessed week. May you be successful in walking through the overwhelm, should it show up; may you be able to create a calm atmosphere for your home, full of faith and loving kindness, and may you be a source of blessing for yourself as well as for others.