Tuesday, August 25 – 8:00 PM (EST); 5:00 PM (PST)
This interactive workshop for women is based on one of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov’s most lyrical Torahs, LM 219, Beetza Emrato. It reveals how each of us has an essential, personal role to play in God’s Kingly coronation. This Elul workshop is timely preparation for Rosh Hashanah. You’ll find a new take on connecting emotionally to Hashem and experience the freedom to let go of self-beliefs so you can go to the next level of spiritual growth.
Level: All. Beginners welcome.
Instructor: Chaya Rivka Zwolinski
Text: Based on Likutey Moharan 219, materials supplied as needed
Sponsored in memory of Esther Faiga Bas Yitzchok
For women only.
We’ll discuss:
- The story of God’s Royal Robe
- How to more fully experience Hashem in your personal life
- Why cultivating smallness nurtures true greatness
- The majesty of Rosh Hashana: A visualization
1 comment
Yehudis:Thank you as always for being such a woeunrfdl teacher and friend. Hashem should bless you with continued strength and ability to transform the world.What an amazing lesson, so bashert, to read it when I did, and rereading it again and again. I just had a conversation with a friend about this last night, and the struggles to not feel personally attacked, the struggle to feel Hashem’s embrace even in the depths of very difficult challenges. Was woeunrfdl to get your email, so thank you, and a responding one is one its way. I miss hearing your shuirim and would love to be able to hear them again soon. I see from the above post that this has been a challenge. Davening for success so that Torah can be spread.Chaikie