Home A Tribute to Reb Noson

A Tribute to Reb Noson

by breslov.org

Tuesday, June 21st, 2016

6:45 PM

Renaissance Hall

5902 14th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY


Siyum Program


    • 6:45 PM
      Reception and Hot Buffet


    • 7:30 PM
      Dinner Program Begins


    • Rabbi Jonathan Rietti
      Siyum of Likutey Tefilot (The Fiftieth Gate). All attendees will receive a copy of the final volume.


    • Rabbi Mota Frank
      in Yiddish, translated by Chaim Kramer


    • Chaim Kramer
      presents a surprise project for all ages


    • Rabbi Moshe Weinberger
      introduces the groundbreaking Likutey Halakhot Project


    • Music & Dancing with Shimmy Fried & Friends


    • Maariv

The Breslov Research Institute is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. You will receive a tax-receipt for the charitable portion of your contribution.

Breslov Research Institute
44 Saint Nicholas Ave.
Lakewood, NJ 08701

Toll-Free: 1800-33-Breslov
Phone: 732-534-7263
Fax: 732-608-8461
Email: [email protected]

Siyum Committee
Mr. Avi Weiss | Mr. Alexander Barth | Mr. Asaf Kampf | Mr. Avi Esses | Mr. Avraham Kleiman | Mr. Chaim Freud | Mr. David Dembitzer | Mr. David Menaged | Mr. Dovid Kohn | Rabbi Gil Bashe | Mr. Gud Meir Tauber | Mr. Jay Gelman | Mr. Jay Knopf | Mr. Sruly Rosenfeld | Mr. Yossi Rosenfeld | Mr. Michoel Elias | Mr. Moshe Bergstein | Rabbi Bryan Kinzbrunner | Rabbi Manis Kogan | Mr. Shlomie Lichter | Mr. Simcha Goldberg | Mr. Tzuriel Ross | Mr. Yaakov Aziz | Mr. Zev Lesser