Home News and Events Uman B.R.I kollel 5783

Uman B.R.I kollel 5783

by breslov.org

Dear Friend,

For close to a decade now, we’ve had the great zechut of running the Uman Kollel. The idea was to provide a warm, familiar venue where the thousands of Americans coming to Uman would be able to hear about and understand the purpose of making the trip to Uman for Rosh Hashanah.

Two years ago, we were brokenhearted when the obstacles proved overwhelming and it was almost impossible to hold the holy kibbutz. Obviously, there were no shiurim.

Since then, we have greatly increased the learning, and we added something new: learning with study partners. The learning in the Uman Kollel will take place from Thursday evening and through erev Rosh HaShanah, from morning to evening, non-stop. At times when there are no shiurim, there will be learning sedarim around the clock.

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You made it this year to Uman? Take the time to discover what you are doing here.

You didn’t make it this year to Uman? Take a part in the shiurim. That way you can stay connected too with the Uman Rosh Hashanah experience.

Sponsor a day, a shiur, or whatever you can to help us spread Rebbe Nachman’s light in the world.

If you were already in Uman in the past, you know exactly how vital and important this initiative is, and we’re certain that you’ll want to take a part. But even if you haven’t yet been in Uman, you can still partner with us and we will mention your name in prayer. Click HERE

Wishing all a good, sweet year, a year of genuine redemption!

Chaim Kramer

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