Our Experience Enhances Your Experience!
In less than 3 months, we will be standing in shul on Rosh HaShanah, the Day of Judgment, beseeching Hashem for a good, blessed year.
We’re seeing incredible and awesome events unfold in the course of the (completely unnecessary!) war between Russia and Ukraine. And still our hearts are beating with trepidation as we wonder, What is going to be this year with the holy kibbutz at Rebbe Nachman’s tziyun?
It beggars belief! For the fourth year in a row, we’re beset by seemingly insurmountable obstacles. This year too, it appears that the Other Side is doing all it can to cause harm in the very place that the entire world relies on! Clearly, the only explanation is that what we’re witnessing is the battle between holiness and evil.
Nevertheless, Rebbe Nachman’s call continues to echo loudly in our ears: “My Rosh HaShanah is greater than everything. No one should be missing! Rosh HaShanah is my whole mission.”
Rebbe Nachman told his followers: “On Rosh HaShanah, I can do for you what I can’t do the entire year.”
We’re not trying to persuade anyone, nor are we challenging the current reality in Ukraine. It’s up to each individual to do what they feel is right, according to their own understanding.
Baruch Hashem, until the outbreak of Covid in 2020, the numbers of people coming to Uman for Rosh HaShanah had been increasing exponentially from year to year. Pre-Covid, the numbers had reached almost 50,000!
When I first went, some 55 years ago, people had barely even heard of Rebbe Nachman, whereas today, even those who are very far from Torah and mitzvot have a faint glimmer of the fact that only Rebbe Nachman can extract our generation from the depths to which we’ve sunk, and that he is the secret of the Final Redemption.
Three years ago, the meniyot were overwhelming, and unfortunately, only a very small group was able to come. Two years ago, as well, the pandemic still elicited fear and the crowd was much small than usual. Last year, we saw how the whole world stood on its hind legs expressing fierce opposition to the journey to Uman, to the point where the US government issued an unprecedented travel warning! The fact is, dozens of people have travelled to Uman this year and Baruch Hashem they came back safely, not having seen a single sign of conflict.
This year, the obstacles are still present, but we are back in full force regardless, with much prayer that the meniyot will not overcome us once again. We’re currently at the height of preparations to help as many people as possible come and fulfill Rebbe Nachman’s words, to come for Rosh HaShanah.
For our part, we will do all we can to ensure that there is light, water, heating, WiFi and everything necessary for our stay, but we must bear in mind that there are things that are controlled by the Uman Municipality and the Ukrainian government. Each person must abide by the laws set in place for this time of emergency. We hope that with Hashem’s help, everything will go smoothly and peacefully
Due to the situation, we will be charging only a nominal $150 non-refundable registration fee, and will collect the remainder up to a week before Rosh HaShanah.
Click here to join us now, and gain the eternal merit of being with the best “defense lawyer” on the Day of Judgment. Be a part of the Tzaddik’s holy kibbutz!
Any questions? Please contact my son, Zvi, by WhatsApp +972533158007 or email us at: [email protected]
Looking forward to seeing you all, b’ezrat Hashem.
Wishing you all a great year, filled with good health, joy and success,
Chaim Kramer