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Unfathomable Plans

by Chaim Kramer

This week’s Parshah is Vayeira, “And HaShem appeared to Avraham.”

This occurred on the third day after he circumcised himself. Avraham was in pain, and HaShem caused the sun to be very hot, thus keeping wayfarers away from Avraham, who sought to welcome people into his home (i.e., his tent).

As the Midrash teaches, Avraham would invite travelers to feed them and let them rest. When they thanked him for his hospitality, he would tell them not to thank him but to thank HaShem, Who provided all those comforts, and to praise Him for the wonderful food and fruits they enjoyed.

Rebbe Nachman teaches that when one recites the Birkat HaMazon (Blessings after Eating), one makes God be revealed in the world. The source for this teaching is in this Midrash, where giving thanks should be directed to HaShem.

The Parshah then speaks of Lot and his daughters, who performed immoral acts and brought forth two nations into the world. As despicable as those acts were, they led to the birth of the tribe of Moab. From Moab came Ruth, the righteous convert, and from her came King David and, eventually, Mashiach.

We see that God’s plan is unfathomable. He can take the worst acts of man and transform them so that good will eventually come forth. From illegitimacy to the ultimate salvation—this teaches us to never despair. We cannot understand the terrible sufferings that some people endure, but we must maintain faith that ultimately it is for our good.

Have a great Shabbos!

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