UpsideDown Shabbos

I never understood what Rebbe Nachman was referring to when he mentioned that the table was turned upside-down on the Shabbat/Shabbos before Pesach (Sichos HaRan/Rabbi Nachman’s Wisdom #88). I asked a number of people in Breslov and none had ever heard of the custom.

Speaking to my friend Reb Eliezer Savitsky, he mentioned this entry and explained as follows. There’s no “custom” to turn the table upside-down. But the fact is, the whole house is upside-down! Everything is in a state of disarray, normal space and mobility are circumscribed and everyone’s a bit nervous about “contaminating” the kosher for Pesach parts of the home.

Hashem made it this way on purpose. The confusion etc., takes away our ability to speak the words of Torah and prayer the way we would like to. A little reminder, and a relatively gentle hint, that the Shekhinah is still in exile.

Then we can better appreciate all the holy talking we will be doing at the Seder.