Weekly Likutey Moharan – Reb Moshe Rubin – Lesson 22 – Part #11
by Moshe Rubin
written by Moshe Rubin

Moshe Rubin
Based in New York, R' Moshe is an executive with a technology focused venture capital firm. He has been delivering a daf yomi shiur for over 10 years at Kollel HaShechuna, a Flatbush night kollel that was founded under the leadership of HaRav Shmuel Berenbaum, ZT”L. He also gives weekly shiurim in chassidus and other mussar seforim. R' Moshe's unique style integrates depth and practicality and offers a grounded, accessible approach to complex material. We hope you enjoy!!! Please reach R' Moshe at: [email protected]
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