You don’t need major self-control or sacrifice of pleasure. Any extra cost and effort for getting healthy now will save you thousands in healthcare costs down the road!
Hey Ladies,
Today, I want to let you know that when it comes to sticking with a healthy lifestyle and all that this entails – what I like to call the “healthy hustle” – I get it. I understand why it may seem daunting. I understand why it may seem like there are so many more pressing things to do with your time other than to work on living a healthy lifestyle.
I’ve been where you are.
I have clients who’ve felt what you’re feeling.
Over the years I have had women tell me things like:
- Overwhelm is an understatement. I just can’t figure out how to get and stay healthy.
- Healthy eating is a mystery to me.
- I’m so afraid of falling off the wagon that I end up not even starting.
- I need to lose the weight in two weeks.
- Living healthy is too expensive and time-consuming.
- I want to enjoy myself, not worry about being healthy all the time.
Here’s the truth:
You don’t need major self-control or sacrifice of pleasure. Any extra cost and effort for getting healthy now will save you thousands in healthcare costs down the road. You don’t need to make yourself crazy trying to figure it all out. No babes, you don’t need to suffer.
But let’s talk first thing’s first, okay? The first thing you need to succeed in the healthy hustle is the right mindset. One that is going to get you to WANT to be ON POINT with your health.
So, let’s focus on the mindset today, okay?
Personally, I have been happier, healthier, stronger, more energetic, and more spiritually connected since I cleaned up my health act 18 years ago. The reason this is so, is because a healthy lifestyle is about a lot more than being thin or not getting sick. It’s about a lot more than avoiding white sugar and white flour.
Being truly physically healthy (which also leads to improved emotional and spiritual health), means that you:
- Are overflowing with life energy.
- Are focused on what you love most.
- Connect to Hashem every day.
- Look vibrant and radiant.
- Move your body outdoors most days.
- Have less foggy brain, more clear thinking.
- Go to bed early.
- Pray for guidance.
- Eat real food.
- Keep your filtration systems (colon, kidneys, lymph) clean and flowing.
- Know that you change the whole world when you change yourself.
- Are working on mastering yourself – an incredible tikkun any human being can do while in this world.
The first thing you need to succeed in the healthy hustle is the right mindset. One that is going to get you to WANT to be ON POINT with your health.
The importance of physical health according to some of our Sages:
“A person who eats more than he needs is eating like an animal. One of the marks of human dignity is to eat only what one needs. To eat more than that is to act like an animal, who eats and chews the whole day, and this can bring on a fever.”
– Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, Likutei Moharan reish-samech-gimel
“By eating properly, foolishness is subdued, and intelligence is exalted…However, when one eats gluttonously…(it) causes foolishness to overwhelm intelligence.”
– Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, Likutei Moharan, yud-zayin:gimel
“And the (state of) mind is a direct result of one’s food. When the body is clean, the mind is clear. Then one is able to derive true judgments and upright ways of conduct.”
- Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, Likutey MoharanI, samech-aleph:aleph
“A wise doctor is one who knows how to prevent disease from coming upon a person and should a person get sick even though he was treated by a doctor, it is not a wise doctor since he did not prevent disease.”
- Rabbi Yehuda Hachasid, Sefer Chasidim, siman taf-kuf-tzadi-beis
“If the body experiences any kind of problem it will affect the person’s mind accordingly. Therefore the Torah distanced us from anything that might cause harm… because since the body is a tool of the soul…a person must try to keep his body healthy and strong… therefore it is a kindness from G-d to distance ourselves from any food that is harmful to the body and that creates in the body harmful mucus.”
- Sefer HaChinuch, Mitzvah kuf-mem-zayin, Mitzvah ayin-gimel
“Rav Acha said: It is up to a person [to protect himself] from disease. How do we know this? From the verse ‘G-d will remove from you every illness…’” “Protecting yourself from disease comes from you.” (Midrash Raba, VaYikra, 16:8 (Meaning, it is in your hands to guard your health.) “Our sages say: Ninety nine [die] due to their own fault, and one [dies] by Heaven. (Midrash Raba, VaYikra 16:8) “Because [a person] does not guard his health and commits transgressions against his body.”
- Midrash Raba, VaYikra 16:8, Matnos Kehuna
If you want to look better, feel better, maximize your health potential and eliminate disease conditions, healthy living is the only path. That being said, in my experience, the most important aspect of true physical health is actually the effect it has upon the mind.
The first thing you need to succeed is the right mindset…
When your body is overladen with junk food, fake food and chemicals, this affects the mind negatively leading to skewed thinking and an artificial mode of
operating. True Physical health connects you with the eternal wisdom of God and the ways in which He ordered this world. When you are healthy, strong and clean on the inside, your blood is purified, which leads to a purified mind illuminated with Divine wisdom.
If you are a married woman or hoping to be married one day, in my humble opinion it’s important to be healthy, energized and look beautiful for your husband. Not “Hollywood” beautiful and not forever 21, but at a healthy weight, vibrant and radiant. Men are very visual, and our looks are important to them.
If you have children, your healthy ways set a very important example for them. Even if they don’t follow you now, one day they most probably will, which is an invaluable gift to them.
You are worthy of all the goodness and blessings Hashem has to offer you. He is pouring His love, abundance and joy always. We just need to not block this Divine outpouring with poor physical, emotional and spiritual health.
Next week we will get into some action steps. For now, give some thought to living life on the terms and conditions that build you up, not wear you down!
1 comment
Fabulous! So clear, well thought-out, sensible and source-based.