It’s time to move on from the “this is going to be handed to me” idea and move into the, “when Hashem is your guiding principle, everything will always work out for you!”
There are certain times in life when things get handed to us. For example, losing a job and finding a better one within the month; being in debt and suddenly getting a windfall; the ability to conceive quickly and so on.
Then there are times when you’re pretty sure it’s going to go smoothly, and nothing could be further from reality. No matter what you do, or what helpful friends or “the experts” have to offer, you’re still stuck in the situation with no end in sight.
This is where I’m at with my broken foot. It’s a situation that is seemingly being dragged out with no end in sight. So… I finally realized that this is one of those times when I thought things would just work out and a healed foot would be handed to me in six weeks, but it’s just not the case.
It’s time to move on from the “this is going to be handed to me” idea and move into the, “when Hashem is your guiding principle, everything will always work out for you.”
I’m not going to waste any more time attacking the negative by complaining about the doctors and the endless hours and finances being spent on this issue. Instead, I’m going to cultivate the positive with Hashem, as in “Ein od milvado”, as my guiding principle. For me, this means first of all, being proactive and creating a plan that covers the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the situation, while constantly focusing on seeing the love and light of God in this situation.
For the physical aspect, I am letting go of a lot of work in my business at the moment, and instead focusing on healing. I’ve set up appointments with a top physiotherapist, an acupuncturist, and a masseuse. I am doing a bunch of exercises and foot baths at home and taking bone-healing herbs.
I’m going to cultivate the positive with Hashem, as in “Ein od milvado”, as my guiding principle!
For the emotional aspect, I am focusing on being more of a feeler and less of a thinker. I was told that according to Jewish sources, the foot is related to feelings and therefore this may be a hint that I need to focus on feeling more. I am therefore trying to stay away from the habit of numbing my feelings with food and other distractions, and instead allowing myself to actually feel my feelings, thereby facing myself and any buried pain from times gone by . I am working on being more awake and blossoming into my true self instead of staying in the realm of intellect in order to avoid the inner pain and the truth of this sometimes very scary world.
For the spiritual part of this, I am working with a mindset coach. During our first session we mapped out various spiritual aspect of this healing journey so that I can get my spiritual bearings. My homework for this session was: for the next week, every day, three times a day, to focus on
I am working on being more awake and blossoming into my true self!
- Filling myself with Hashem’s love for me
- There is None other than Him – it’s not me doing this, it’s Hashem who can do anything. He is lifting me up and getting me to walk.
Next week, we will get into creating a more detailed positive thought pattern and envisioning.
Will a challenge be a long, slow, negative show down or a challenging awakening? Your choice.
If you’re in the midst of a challenge, go ahead and awaken the light within you! It is time to feel everything and become alive once more through emuna, proactivity, creativity, letting go, gratitude, appreciation, joy, happiness, forgiveness, and contentment! Focus on seeing Hashem in EVERYTHING. No matter how random, dark, fearful, or hopeless something seems, Hashem is always there.
The Endless Light is always illuminating the path of life for you yet leaving you the ultimate choice of taking it or not. This is not about results; this is about INTENTION. If your intention is to see Hashem in the challenge and in the solution, He will make it His business to come through for you in some way and form.
May Hashem use our challenges to uplift everyone around us and may we blossom into our true potential. Amen.