It felt like a lot considering everything else I had going. Then a negative interaction with an acquaintance occurred and the heaviness I felt was more palpable…
Last week was another one of those weeks. Busy, busy! Mostly good things, but when I have to juggle more three things, overwhelm hits. There was the usual home keeping and mothering plus working in my biz and helping my husband in his.
Then there was accompanying one of my kids to a full day of filming a frum version of The Voice in which he competed, attending the first of a 4-session self-development meeting with my homeschool mentor Chana Rus Cohen, taking my health routine to another level for the next few weeks, planning summer vacation, an upcoming bar mitzva, an anniversary getaway (that we literally haven’t done in ten years) and more.
My session with Chana Rus plus deciding to take the next few weeks to another level in my fitness and healthy eating routine was super exciting, but also entailed changing my routine and taking some time out to do reading and other. It felt like a lot considering everything else I had going. Then a negative interaction with an acquaintance occurred and the heaviness I was beginning to feel felt a lot more palpable.
So where am I going with all of this? There are three techniques that I use to calm down and get clarity, which I wanted to share because I have found them to be so helpful. The first two I usually do one after the other and the third I do whenever the situation calls for it.
Last week was another one of those weeks. Busy, busy! Mostly good things, but when I have to juggle more three things, overwhelm hits.
The first is to sit down most mornings before I daven, and write down everything I need to do that day, as well as how I am feeling about and where am I holding in life, my goals for the day, what’s bothering me and how I can rectify it, and thanking Hashem for it all. Once it’s on paper and I have gone through it all, I feel so much lighter and usually I get a couple of insights as to how to deal with something or how to get through a situation.
After I do this, I close my eyes and let go of all the processing, calculating, trying to understand and any other linear thinking that I have been doing. It’s a little hard to put into words but I just try to flow with the reality that is already flowing and happening no matter where my mind is with it. Often after doing this, I may get a strong gut feeling about something, which usually and amazingly proves to be right on the money.
The third thing I do at any time during the day when I feel overwhelm or a heaviness is to stop and take a couple of deep breaths. I breathe in slowly and very deeply, hold my breath for three seconds and then breathe all the way out slowly. It is so helpful!
After taking the above steps last week, it dawned on me that whenever we decide to rectify or upgrade lifestyle habits, take on a more expanded level of being, which includes paying our debts to nature and Hashem, it can feel heavy. Which is actually just our evil inclination doing its job – trying to pull us down as we are attempting to ascend.
Just to take my pride out of the equation…
As far as the negative interaction that I had had, it came to me that we are all at various levels of understanding, perception, and receptivity. No one is bad or better or more worthy. I don’t have to convince anyone of anything. I can stand in my power and my understanding of reality and simply work on taking my pride out of the equation.
Women especially have the ability to tap into the wellspring of knowing within their heart. The answer is right there within us. Yes, family or friends may not always be understanding of our choices to evolve and grow. Society certainly doesn’t like those who leave behind mainstream norms. Yet, when we become clear on certain issues and laws of life, it’s like a guiding light that we cannot ignore.
I wish all women continued inspiration and energy in developing the lifestyle and making the choices that are in sync with Hashem’s will. Hashem built this world with laws that govern EVERYTHING we do and that always serve to guide us and correct us back to Hashem’s law of choosing life.
“I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. And you shall choose life, so that you and your children may live.” – Deuteronomy 30:19.
May clarity and Divine Light guide you and always be with you!