When You Go Out to War, Chabura (Study and Discussion Group with Text)

For men only

Why is life so frustrating?

Everyone experiences chaos, mix-ups, and hardships in life. But, in Lesson 82, Likutey Moharan II, Rebbe Nachman’s reveals the purpose to disharmony. In this powerful study group for men, we’ll use the text as a guide to help us forge a new understanding of why confusing and painful things happen to us. We’ll learn how to actualize the potential within disorder, and how to overcome.

You’ll be encouraged to contribute your thoughts and reactions, as well as respond to ideas from others.  In this chabura, we’ll take lesson off the page and put it right where we need it most – into our real lives.

Topics include:

  • Seder v’Shelo K’seder (Order and Disorder)
  • Adam and Chava
  • Arrogance and Humility
  • Moshe’s Path (Seeing Godliness Above and Below)
  • Making Sense of Opposition

And more…You must have access to Google Hangouts to participate. By subscribing for class reminders on this a page, a unique link will be emailed to you before each chabura. Additionally, the link will be posted on this chabura’s WhatsApp group. Click here to join the WhatsApp group where weekly chabura discussions will also take place.Follow this link to join our WhatsApp group for links and discussions: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JQyFBtEElXGLAEUk04dO6B Time:Thursday, 9:00 pm ESTDate:Three Thursdays, August 24 through Thursday, September 7Level:Men Only, Beginner through Intermediate, Everyone WelcomeInstructor:Eliyahu HechtText:Likutey Moharan II, 82