I’ve got a paradigm shift for you today ladies: YOU are your family’s primary provider, not your doctor. And – medicine is not always the answer!
You know how we’ve been conditioned to not take responsibility for our health and instead to “check in with the doctor”, “go to the doctor”, “listen to the doctor” and then “take medicine” when a health issue comes up? Well, I’ve got a paradigm shift for you today ladies: YOU are your family’s primary provider, not your doctor. And – medicine is not always the answer.
How so? Contrary to popular belief, illnesses don’t just turn up outta nowhere. Please understand that a huge component to staying healthy and resistant to illness is lifestyle: what you eat and drink, and healthy habits such as going to sleep on time, staying active, drinking enough water, getting enough sunshine, staying calm and having a positive attitude, among other things.
As a wife and mother, you have a lot of say in and influence over all of the above. As the old adage goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And that my dear ladies, is exactly where we come into the picture.
I know what you may be thinking – uh oh, more work and responsibility for me. But trust me, the effort will save you time, money and heartache in the long run! First of all, by keeping everyone healthy you naturally will be putting less time into taking care of sick family members while at the same time, your husband and children will experience less school and work absence.
As the old adage goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And that my dear ladies, is exactly where we come into the picture!
Furthermore, the more serious illnesses develop over many years and once they occur, treatments can be expensive, painful, and even life-threatening. A person can significantly lower the chances of coming down with serious or catastrophic disease by taking preventative measures having to do with lifestyle. Even mainstream medicine has admitted to this fact!
Yes, we do have our work cut out for us! So many of the “normal” things that people ingest and do are unknowingly harmful to short and long-term health. Pharmaceutical drugs, alcohol, pesticides, GMOs, processed food, takeout food, stress, radiation, heavy metals, fluoride, chlorine, EMF, surgeries, white sugar, carbon monoxide, antibiotics, sugary drinks and more all contribute to low immunity and ill health.
As your family’s primary health care provider, there are many things you can do to help your family get and stay healthy. Below is a partial list – I recommend picking three things to start with and building up from there.
- Offer a fruit or vegetable platter (with dip) in between meals and when the kids come home from school
- Do not have any drinks at home other than water
- Add herbal teas to your hot drink repertoire: dandelion for good liver function, ginger to sooth the stomach, chamomile for a good night’s sleep.
- Make or buy cultured foods (such as fermented cabbage and beet kvass), which repopulate your gut with good flora and probiotics, critical to a functioning immune system
- Make sure everyone gets fresh air and sunshine through outdoor exercise and play
- Make it a habit to go to sleep by 10pm since healing sleep takes place only between when darkness sets in until 2am
- Be very vigilant about giving medicine for a fever, cold and cough. Unless the fever is dangerously high or the cough is accompanied by serious breathing issues, let the fever and cough do their job, which is to eliminate excess mucus and toxins out of the lungs and body.
- Feed your family real, not processed food.
- Serve a salad with every meal.
- Jump on a trampoline for 5-20 minutes a day.
- Get a massage.
- Have fun in nature, pray and meditate in nature, spend time together in nature.
- Use fragrance-free laundry detergent, soaps, and household cleaners. Artificial fragrance damages the nervous system and poisons the blood stream.
We do not have to succumb to the culture of death and sickness that surrounds us, and this is one way to help ourselves and our families out of it. What is more important than taking care of our family’s health? What is more important than teaching our family about the preciousness of life and how to strengthen our body, mind, and spirit?
I am committed to choosing life over death, truth over lies, courage over fear, no matter what the agenda is around me. Health is our birthright, and I will make it a priority to claim it and teach this to my family.
In summary, let the following principles be your guiding light: less medicine, artificial fragrance and coloring, more fruits and vegetables, water, sleep, and sunshine. Carry this out in whatever way you see fit.