The Siddur is ready to be printed, include your dedication and receive a free Special Edition Siddur.
For generations, the Siddur has been handed down as a treasured inheritance for every Jew. Now, you can be part of the Siddur tradition. This is our final call. Dedicate a prayer in memory of a loved one, in honor of a special person or as a Divine merit for a special blessing.
As a special bonus, all partners of $500 or more will receive a limited-edition leather bound copy of the Breslov Siddur for Shabbos and Festivals. By sponsoring a page for $180, you will receive a free copy of the Siddur. These are the remaining opportunities. You can make up to 10 payments.
Dedicate A Page (Receive a regular copy and place a small dedication)
-Erev Shabbos-
Lighting the Shabbos Candles – $2500
Kaddish Tiskabel (The Complete Kadish) – $1000
-Shabbos Evening Meal-
Birkas HaMazon for Shabbos and Yom Tov – $1800
-Morning Prayer for Shabbos and Yom Tov-
The Order of the Temple Service – Korbanos – $1000
Pesukey D’Zimrah – $1800
Shema and Its Blessings – $1000
-Mussaf for Shabbos-
Amidah – $1800
-Shabbos Morning Meal-
Zemiros for Shabbos Morning – $1800
-Afternoon Prayer for Shabbos-
Pirkey Avos – $1800
-Third Shabbos Meal (Seudah Shelishis)-
Zemiros for Seudah Shelishis – $1000
-Motzaey Shabbos-
Kiddush Levanah – $1000
Zemiros for Motzaey Shabbos and Seudas Melaveh Malkah $1000
Hallel – $1800
Mussaf for Yom Tov – $1000
Laws Regarding Prayer – $1000
Want more info?
Click here for a list of the Siddur’s Features
Download A Free Siddur Sample (Unedited)
All donations are tax-deductible. The Breslov Research Institute is a recognized 501(c)(3).
Have a question, contact us.
when is it going to be available? we sponsored page for 180 a while ago and waiting for free copy..please update
Still waiting…
What is the status of this siddur?