I’m finally having that paradigm shift and realizing more and more that it’s the heart-based energy, the love, that comes first!
There is a concern that is voiced every once in a while, at our homeschool-parenting mentor group, by a small number of the homeschooling mothers: they are worried that they’re not giving their kids enough information; the kids are not learning as much about the chagim as their classmates; they’re not doing as many projects, singing as many songs, studying as much information.
Our mentor, Chana Rus Cohen, always replies that it’s been proven a hundred times over that it does not take that long to learn the information. We have SO much time to instill the information within them. What is of utmost priority is to develop within them a wisdom that is more heart-based as opposed to intellectually-based: developing within them a love of learning; inspiring them to find what really interests them, to have compassion for themselves and others, to know and understand right from wrong, good from bad; to take responsibility and be accountable to the family team; to decipher true from false; to develop a love of work, sincere relationships, healthy habits. Once these core, heart-based teachings are in place, kids are a lot more open to, thirsty for and capable of internalizing and implementing intellectual knowledge.
So yes, I’m finally having that paradigm shift and realizing more and more that it’s the heart-based energy, the love, that comes first. When the heart is filled with love, understanding and acceptance, information can turn into wisdom that leads to doing good onto oneself and others. The world’s evolvement into a better, more responsible, more compassionate place depends a lot more on what is in the heart than on who can remember more information, amass more knowledge, etc.
Once these core, heart-based teachings are in place, kids are a lot more open to, thirsty for and capable of internalizing and implementing intellectual knowledge.
If there’s something that is concerning to you right now or is destabilizing you, you may find that connecting with your heart energy will greatly help. Your heart energy is the real you and the real you usually has a solution or can hear the voice of guidance within.
The world seems to be moving into an era where this kind of energy is going to be of utmost importance. We’ve had enough separation based on various intellectual, knowledge-based opinions, calculations and world views. It is now time for an energy that is based on loving, respecting, and accepting ourselves and others.
Your heart energy is the real you!
At the homeschool-parenting mentor group, I’ve been learning that no matter how much intellectual education kids receive, they are often susceptible to resort to acting in ways that are negative in order to get our heart attention. Because EVERYONE needs love and attention is love. That is what we all need first and foremost. This is what everyone is searching for at the end of the day, not just the kids.
Heart energy is powerful! The way I see it, Hashem is pushing the world towards understanding that heart energy comes first – understanding, acceptance, unifying, hugging, respecting. Intellectual wisdom without heart energy can lead to some bad and bizarre situations and behavior.
Hashem wants us united, truth-oriented, responsible, compassionate, respectful, and loving first and foremost. So, during these ten days of repentance, I’m going to focus a big part of my davening on asking Hashem to increase my heart energy, to love my life as it is right now and to be able to feel the goodness that Hashem has bestowed on me and to transfer this energy and emotion to my family and the world.
Wishing you a Gmar Chasima Tova!