Time: Sunday, 11:00 AM EST – 6:00 PM Israel Time
Date: January 11 – March 1 (8 weeks)
Level: All
Text: The 7 Pillars of Faith by Rabbi Yitzchok Breiter
Note: Text will be posted on the whiteboard for students who want to follow along, but students will be able to keep up with the ideas even without textual skills. There will be plenty of time allotted to answer your questions.
This course is for women only.
Emunah is vital to our well-being and has a profound impact on our day-to-day lives. Since it’s been said that the entire Torah rests on emunah, to clarify, refine, and strengthen our faith is arguably our number one task in this lifetime. Gaining a deeper understanding of faith’s personal relevance as well as learning and applying emunah-building skills and techniques, enriches our spiritual connectedness.
In this deeply inspirational yet practical course, Yehudis Golshevsky will explore the emunah-enhancing material in The Seven Pillars of Faith by Rav Yitzchak Breiter. (Related Breslov source-material, including Likutey Moharan, will also be discussed.)
Students will learn to broaden and deepen their emunah as Yehudis discusses each individual pillar of faith over the seven-week semester:
- Week 1—First Pillar: The Hand of God
- Week 2— Second Pillar: Revelation of Godliness
- Week 3— Third Pillar: The Concealment
- Week 4— Fourth Pillar: Not Getting Angry
- Week 5— Fifth Pillar: Teshuvah
- Week 6— Sixth Pillar: Action
- Week 7— Seventh Pillar: The Tzaddik
— Roses for Shabbat by Esther Pam Zibell, Private Collection,http://www.estherzibellsart.com/